Accepting development work using the following:

Telecommunications Technician Services.

Closed-Circuit Televisions (CCTV) •  PC Networking •  Cabling Solutions •  Technical Support •  System Upgrades •  Network Infrastructure • 

Software Development Services.

AWS •  Android •  Bash •  Bootstrap •  C/C++ •  CSS •  Go •  Hibernate •  Java •  Javascript •  Jenkins •  Jersey •  Kafka • 
JNI •  JMS •  JPA •  JQuery •  JSON •  JSF •  MariaDB •  Maven •  MyBatis •  MySQL •  Oracle •  PostgreSQL •  Primefaces •  Rest •  Selenium •  SQL Server •  SOAP •  Spring •  Strutts •  Teradata •  XPath •  And many more..


This site is created and maintained by a single developer for now. It will be an honor if you could support this site to improve.
